You travel Equestria performing magic shows for free, providing entertainment to the masses, but does anyone care? NO! But you get upstaged in one small town and nobody shuts up about it!
It's just not fair is it? You pack up all your things and go on the road, leaving friends and family behind because your talent is amazing and entertaining others. You spend long hours moving between towns, rain or shine, each day a new place, new people, new sites, never tarrying, struggling to be relevant as a magician in a world where a whole race of ponies has real magic. You have incredible talent and could do anything with your life, you could be up there in Canterlot studying the very nature of magic itself, but you feel your true purpose is making others happy, showing them what magic can do.
Then in one town you pull a few amusing and harmless pranks (It's not like the rest of the town was up in arms) and your house ends up being totally destroyed, you lose everything, your life's work in one fell swoop and are forced to flee in humiliation. What will you do now? Where will you go? How will you ever be able to salvage your dream? And the worst part? YOU'RE the bad pony.
Кроме этого, неужели никому не жаль Луну? Заточение длиной в тысячу лет - не выглядит очень справедливым. Да и воссоединение сестер выглядит странно - почему извиняется только Луна? Селестия заточила младшую сестренку на целую тысячу лет, и даже не попросила за это прощения?
Кто еще считает, что эти две пони не получают достаточно любви и уважения? Есть ли у вас на примете пони, которая тоже может вписаться в эту компанию?