(Обуждение) S9E12 The Last Crusade

Обсуждение 12 серии 9 сезона
Сценарист серии: Николь Дебюк
Впервые в MLP появились тёти лесбиянки!
StarStorm113 писал(а):(автоопределение) Впервые в MLP появились тёти лесбиянки!
Хорошо, что не дяди-геи.
Похоже уже третья серия пытается метить в лучшие сезона. Но именно, что пытается, ибо тут есть ровно три проблемы:
1) Внезапное появление тёток-лесбиянок, о которых можно было узнать только в книге/комиксе, а их далеко не все читают.
2) Ещё более внезапное появление родителей Скуталу, о которых молчали всё это время. Никаких намёков, разговоров о них в сериале не было. Только хедканоны, которые теперь порушены окончательно и бесповоротно. Да, приятно наблюдать за воссоединением семьи и как потом до родителей дошло, что Скуталу стоит остаться в Понивилле. Но осадок есть.
3) Но ещё больший осадок вызывает речь мелкого ноунейма. Хорошие слова в пользу Крусейдеров, безусловно, но на его месте просто обязана была быть Даймонд Тиара!!!!! Ведь именно на неё Метконосцы сильнее всего повлияли и изменили её отношение не только к ним, но и к окружающим. А тут ей дали просто помахать копытцем с одобрением. Такой момент упущен, ай-ай-ай=(
StarStorm113 писал(а):(автоопределение) Впервые в MLP появились тёти лесбиянки!
Ну надо же -- а то, что наконец-то появились родители Скуталу, опровергнув фанон про её сиротство -- это уже не удивляет...
ovnd писал(а):(автоопределение) Хорошие слова в пользу Крусейдеров, безусловно, но на его месте просто обязана была быть Даймонд Тиара!!!!!
А вот тут -- полностью согласен!!!

И да, кто заметил прямую аллюзию на Крапивина в этой серии?

Хасбро тянули до 9-го сезона чтобы показать родителей Скуталу. Девятого, Карл!
Зачем сейчас? Потроллить фанатов перед уходом? Такими темпами и Яблочные родаки заявятся на экран, типа тоже были в разъездах, а вы что подумали?

Что мешало дать хотя бы словесную инфу в ранних сезонах: "Мой папа - Крокодил Данди, шляется с мамой фиг знает где, занимается хрен знает чем, а я такая Пеппи Длинный Чулок, радуюсь их пятиминутным посещением меня раз в сто лет". Как ее родителям удалось завести Скутулу с таким образом жизни? Родили ее в какой-нибудь палатке в джунглях, а затем отослали гомо-тетушкам в ящике?

Хотя мне понравился ход их мыслей: "Возвращение Сомбры, Древо Гармонии в труху, седлаем трактор и валим из Эквестрии нафиг". В соседнем шоу уже есть одна такая эмигрантка, предпочитает работу официанткой в суши-тошниловке учебе магии у Селестии. Прогнило что-то в понячьем королевстве. )))

В конце серии авторы опять попытались убедить зрителей в архи-важности работы СМСок, хотя имхо авторы сами в это до конца не верят. Серьезно, пони тысячилетиями получали метки на круп просто в процессе взросления, а когда сами СМСки задержались в пустобокости, никто не хватался за голову и не вызвал для них специалистов.То есть никакой пустобокой проблемы на уровне государства фактически не существовало. А теперь нас пытаются убедить, будто без СМСочного тренинга куча малышни не получили бы метки вообще, слава СМСками.
StarStorm113 писал(а):(автоопределение) Впервые в MLP появились тёти лесбиянки!
Читал уже эти вопли Фогеля (кто бы сомневался) по соседней ссылке и у западных партнёров. Древняя мудрость гласит: пока не показано - пофиг, что сказано. Из обсуждений я понял так, что лесбиянство открытым текстом не показано, поэтому ни о каких лесбиянках речи быть не может.

Чуть позже посмотрю сам.
Сразу оговорюсь, серия получает 1/6 и сейчас будут лютые пояснения по хардкору.

Серию разбирать можно на атомы. Картина в целом выглядит-то более-менее, но когда начинаешь присматриваться к деталям - сразу всё катится к хренам собачьим.

Все ждали появления тёток-лесбиянок. По факту оказалось, что несчастные Холидей и Лофти это наименьшая из проблем - ну, чем дальше в лес, тем больше дров. Сначала не понятно, кто они такие, сидят такие с СМСками, чаи гоняют. С течением времени намёки на их отношения становятся всё жирнее и жирнее. Но главный рофл в том, что после этой серии назвать-то их лесбиянками нельзя - ну то есть у нас есть те же Винил и Октавия, точно так же живущие в одном доме, а всякими объятьями и держаниями за руку копыто в этом сериале никого не удивить. То есть по факту нам абсолютно ничего нового в плане однополых отношений не показывают, но почему-то вопли о прогрессивности начались именно сейчас, именно с ними и именно с подачи пидораса Фогеля. Да в троллеркостере Рэрити и Эпплджек больше на лесбиянок тянули, чем местные непонятно кто.

Эта серия должна была стать знаковой из-за появления родителей Скуталу. Все уже привыкли считать Скуталу сиротой, а потом произошла эта серия и я узнал, что у меня есть огромная семья и теперь Скуталу - это Арнольд мира MLP. У неё реально родители искатели приключений и исследователи с нотариально заверенными кутимарками. И кроме них никто приключаться и исследовать не может. Но по факту они творят ахинею всю серию, начиная с самого начала, когда они притащили огромного крокодила в школу к маленьким беззащитным жеребятам и выпустили его из клетки. Я бы на месте Черили тоже охерел. Черили, кстати, здесь луч света в тёмном царстве, жаль что выходит из повествования она так же внезапно, как и появляется.

Но дальше происходит вообще феерия. Эти самые искатели приключений начинают окучивать Скуталу на тему переезда. Так ведь будет лучше для всех. То есть из ниоткуда (фигурально выражаясь, но для зрителя это буквально) появляются два хрена с горы, чья роль в жизни Скуталу ограничена зачатием и рождением соответственно, и преследуя свои цели они вдруг заявляют, что Скуталу должна переезжать из Понивилля вместе с ними. Им на собственную дочь вообще плевать. Им плевать на всех, кроме самих себя. И ведь это даже не списать на эгоизм, ведь приключенчество - это не их стороннее хобби, это конкретно их судьба и они делают это, потому что так говорят рисунки на задницах, и в этом слепом следовании судьбе они потеряли свою человечность и полностью оторвались от социума. В каком-то извращённом смысле это даже трагичные персонажи, из которых можно было бы нехилую драму выжать, ведь им как никому другому нужна помощь СМСок.
Bakalavr писал(а):(автоопределение)А теперь нас пытаются убедить, будто без СМСочного тренинга куча малышни не получили бы метки вообще, слава СМСками.
Нас ни в чём не пытаются убедить. Развитие СМСок зашло в тупик на моменте получения ими кутимарок, дальше были вялые попытки заставить их помогать другим найти своё предназначение. Тренинги и лагеря теоретически выгодны, потому что малышня раньше получит метки и раньше начнёт соображать, как это стоит использовать. В принципе это где-то пересекается и с реальным миром, те же технологии тоже не сразу появились, а сейчас бизнес можно построить практически на чём угодно. Вот и СМСки создадут индустрию толкования кутимарок и будут получать бешеные бабки на этом.

Ну и частично удвою тех, кто хотел Даймонд Тиару на финальную речь. С оговоркой - меня бы устроил в принципе любой существующий персонаж, а лучше сразу несколько. Всё равно ведь много кого вспомнили. А что до Тиары, мне очень смешно видеть реакцию западных партнёров: её резко убрали из повествования, много лет не вспоминали, а теперь просто показали - и все просто оподливились от счастья.
How to build the perfect online football betting strategy

Betting on the outcome of a football game is a thrilling and rewarding pastime - combining strategy and skill with predicting the factors that will have an impact on the course of an event to create your own personalised betting strategy. In this guide, we'll explore how to start building your own football betting strategy in a range of different sports by outlining the many tools and approaches you can use to not only win but also optimise your approach for higher chances of success. Football betting is not easy to do. It’s got a lot of variables, but if you make sure you use the right tools and have the best knowledge on how to win, then your odds should be ever in your favour. With the aid of an AI-powered software (e.g. CopyMe) it can be easier to create winning strategies for each game! If you are an avid football betting enthusiast, you are aware that the game can be complicated and take up a lot of time. One way to streamline things is to build a strategy - something that can help you win consistently over time. Now, this article discusses how AI-powered software has made it possible for there to be no excuses for not building the perfect football betting strategy.

The Barriers to Online Sports Betting

Let's say you've always enjoyed participating in the competition of football match games, but haven't quite known how to start out with best odds during football betting. Here are some barriers that you may need to be aware of before taking on the sport online. One of the main obstacles that online Sports Betting sites have to contend with is the variability in customer demand. This is the most important barrier because if people don’t bet on average things work out poorly. Some people will only bet when their favorite team is playing, others want to make a side-bet on all the games at once, and others will only pick single outcomes. When it comes to Sports Betting, the industry that has been in existence for centuries are difficult to compete with. Traditional markets like Las Vegas or Cancun remain dominant largely due to the barriers that cannot be crossed online. It can be difficult to find our entry points into a market dominated by traditional institutions.

Football Statistics

Stats are the name of the game when you want to make money. If you just go on playing by your instinct, without collecting stats from previous games or research, you'll never win big in this proffesion. Situations change and one cannot foresee which team will win every match. To increase your chances at winning, football statistic analysis is necessary to build an optimal bet strategy. The graph illustrates exactly how many players moved into each side of the field in a specific period of the match. The first part of creating a perfect online betting strategy is understanding how statistics can be beneficial to you. There are many kinds of statistics that you need to analyze on football matches, ranging from goals in national competitions, headers, dribbles, matches and more. You will want to create a routine for yourself that involves gathering and sifting through some through the information you have

Different Types of Sports Betting

1. Scattered bets
2. System bets
3. Trending bets
4. History betting
5. Machine games betting
6. Future odds bets

There are four types of Sports Betting:
1) prediction,
2) the Asian handicap method,
3) teasers and
4) accumulators.

The first three tend to have time limits while the fourth type combines different bets over time and can be a combination of each strategy set out above. There is also enhanced money management systems that help with risk minimisation and finding value in a variety of bets.

The Role of Bookmakers

Bookmakers are helpful but they can also help you lose. The role of bookmakers is to build a model that predicts match results that have a high likelihood of happening. When betting, keep in mind these predictive probabilities and be aware that the three main types of football bets (1X2, 1DNB and over/under) all fall into the territory of financial mathematics known as probability theory. One of the most important aspects of football betting is price comparison. It's key to ensure you're getting the best odds for your bets. Despite a number of different types of bookmakers available, across many sports, it can be difficult to find perfect odds for a bet. One of the things that make sure you're getting a fair deal when placing your bets relies on doing thorough market research and learning the basics about bookmakers.

Why use Odds Now?

Online football betting is big business, with Australians spending $1.1 billion on single bets and more than 20 million people placing a bet in a typical year! If you're serious about making money from the game and achieving a top placing, odds can provide you with needed insight and help give your team the advantage to claim victory. In order to build the perfect online football betting strategy, what you need is access to a comprehensive football odds market. Odds Now has just been launched, so we are confident that it provides the perfect information sources and team selection tools. Odds are a fantastic tool to enhance the use of psychological betting. It gives football bettors an edge in that they can replicate popular betting markets, which is a great way to increase your confidence and profits.

Types of Online Bets and Strategies

There are many types of online bets when it comes to football, and each has different strategies. One strategy that is often controversial is short term bet play. This means betting on a team knowing they will lose so you can make a lot of money off the loser with this bet rather than placing smaller bets on the winners in order to win small amounts over the long haul. This can prove extremely profitable because of how much money is invested into long term bets, but relies on losses at certain times. Bets can be divided into different categories, with each type offering a distinct advantage of perfect leverage. Online betting on soccer is one of the most competitive markets available today, so it's important to explore all your options to find the ideal course of action.

How to Get Started in Online Sports Bettting

Whether it's a single football match or an entire league season, online Sports Betting purses are full of potential if you know how to approach the business. There are plenty of factors to consider when operating an online Sports Betting website such as costs and profitability, trustworthiness, reliability and other marketing and legal considerations. As such, there needs to be a full understanding of the key areas that need consideration before beginning with any business venture. At a bare minimum you will need a download link for your football betting software, as well as an email address and password.

Once you've accepted these terms, follow the steps below to get started.

1) Open your web browser to the page where you'll sign up with a football betting account, then choose 'register'.
2) Fill in your details
3) Click on 'create account' button once these details are accepted
4) Create password, this is used by both your login and betting account
5) Enter your email address under "To" field, or create it if it is not present - use this for resetting new passwords when needed
6) Enter your password under "Cannot Be

Advantages of betting with an online bookmaker

Online bookmakers offer a wide range of prizes, accessible through credit and debit cards. Risk-averse customers can enjoy the peace of mind of know that all their bets are safe and secure for one reason: self-service refunds. With online bookmakers unlikely to accept a return without holding on to it for at least 30 days, then considering it if there are no perks or bonuses in play, this is a huge advantage. Many people enjoy the thrill and excitement of being able to bet on matches, games, or sports in general. Even though a simple "abracadabra" will make all your stats skyrocket while you watch other people win lots of money day after day, this game is best played with an online bookmaker. Bookmakers are different than tipsters; they don't just give odds like what the perceived chances of an event happening are.


You can use the solution provided to learn the capabilities and limitations of what is possible in football betting strategies. Furthermore, this strategy shouldn't be taken as a perfect formula. There are different strategies that work sometimes, whether it be winnings or losses.
How to build the perfect online football betting strategy

Betting on the outcome of a football game is a thrilling and rewarding pastime - combining strategy and skill with predicting the factors that will have an impact on the course of an event to create your own personalised betting strategy. In this guide, we'll explore how to start building your own football betting strategy in a range of different sports by outlining the many tools and approaches you can use to not only win but also optimise your approach for higher chances of success. Football betting is not easy to do. It’s got a lot of variables, but if you make sure you use the right tools and have the best knowledge on how to win, then your odds should be ever in your favour. With the aid of an AI-powered software (e.g. CopyMe) it can be easier to create winning strategies for each game! If you are an avid football betting enthusiast, you are aware that the game can be complicated and take up a lot of time. One way to streamline things is to build a strategy - something that can help you win consistently over time. Now, this article discusses how AI-powered software has made it possible for there to be no excuses for not building the perfect football betting strategy.

The Barriers to Online Sports Betting

Let's say you've always enjoyed participating in the competition of football match games, but haven't quite known how to start out with best odds during football betting. Here are some barriers that you may need to be aware of before taking on the sport online. One of the main obstacles that online Sports Betting sites have to contend with is the variability in customer demand. This is the most important barrier because if people don’t bet on average things work out poorly. Some people will only bet when their favorite team is playing, others want to make a side-bet on all the games at once, and others will only pick single outcomes. When it comes to Sports Betting, the industry that has been in existence for centuries are difficult to compete with. Traditional markets like Las Vegas or Cancun remain dominant largely due to the barriers that cannot be crossed online. It can be difficult to find our entry points into a market dominated by traditional institutions.

Football Statistics

Stats are the name of the game when you want to make money. If you just go on playing by your instinct, without collecting stats from previous games or research, you'll never win big in this proffesion. Situations change and one cannot foresee which team will win every match. To increase your chances at winning, football statistic analysis is necessary to build an optimal bet strategy. The graph illustrates exactly how many players moved into each side of the field in a specific period of the match. The first part of creating a perfect online betting strategy is understanding how statistics can be beneficial to you. There are many kinds of statistics that you need to analyze on football matches, ranging from goals in national competitions, headers, dribbles, matches and more. You will want to create a routine for yourself that involves gathering and sifting through some through the information you have

Different Types of Sports Betting

1. Scattered bets
2. System bets
3. Trending bets
4. History betting
5. Machine games betting
6. Future odds bets

There are four types of Sports Betting:
1) prediction,
2) the Asian handicap method,
3) teasers and
4) accumulators.

The first three tend to have time limits while the fourth type combines different bets over time and can be a combination of each strategy set out above. There is also enhanced money management systems that help with risk minimisation and finding value in a variety of bets.

The Role of Bookmakers

Bookmakers are helpful but they can also help you lose. The role of bookmakers is to build a model that predicts match results that have a high likelihood of happening. When betting, keep in mind these predictive probabilities and be aware that the three main types of football bets (1X2, 1DNB and over/under) all fall into the territory of financial mathematics known as probability theory. One of the most important aspects of football betting is price comparison. It's key to ensure you're getting the best odds for your bets. Despite a number of different types of bookmakers available, across many sports, it can be difficult to find perfect odds for a bet. One of the things that make sure you're getting a fair deal when placing your bets relies on doing thorough market research and learning the basics about bookmakers.

Why use Odds Now?

Online football betting is big business, with Australians spending $1.1 billion on single bets and more than 20 million people placing a bet in a typical year! If you're serious about making money from the game and achieving a top placing, odds can provide you with needed insight and help give your team the advantage to claim victory. In order to build the perfect online football betting strategy, what you need is access to a comprehensive football odds market. Odds Now has just been launched, so we are confident that it provides the perfect information sources and team selection tools. Odds are a fantastic tool to enhance the use of psychological betting. It gives football bettors an edge in that they can replicate popular betting markets, which is a great way to increase your confidence and profits.

Types of Online Bets and Strategies

There are many types of online bets when it comes to football, and each has different strategies. One strategy that is often controversial is short term bet play. This means betting on a team knowing they will lose so you can make a lot of money off the loser with this bet rather than placing smaller bets on the winners in order to win small amounts over the long haul. This can prove extremely profitable because of how much money is invested into long term bets, but relies on losses at certain times. Bets can be divided into different categories, with each type offering a distinct advantage of perfect leverage. Online betting on soccer is one of the most competitive markets available today, so it's important to explore all your options to find the ideal course of action.

How to Get Started in Online Sports Bettting

Whether it's a single football match or an entire league season, online Sports Betting purses are full of potential if you know how to approach the business. There are plenty of factors to consider when operating an online Sports Betting website such as costs and profitability, trustworthiness, reliability and other marketing and legal considerations. As such, there needs to be a full understanding of the key areas that need consideration before beginning with any business venture. At a bare minimum you will need a download link for your football betting software, as well as an email address and password.

Once you've accepted these terms, follow the steps below to get started.

1) Open your web browser to the page where you'll sign up with a football betting account, then choose 'register'.
2) Fill in your details
3) Click on 'create account' button once these details are accepted
4) Create password, this is used by both your login and betting account
5) Enter your email address under "To" field, or create it if it is not present - use this for resetting new passwords when needed
6) Enter your password under "Cannot Be

Advantages of betting with an online bookmaker

Online bookmakers offer a wide range of prizes, accessible through credit and debit cards. Risk-averse customers can enjoy the peace of mind of know that all their bets are safe and secure for one reason: self-service refunds. With online bookmakers unlikely to accept a return without holding on to it for at least 30 days, then considering it if there are no perks or bonuses in play, this is a huge advantage. Many people enjoy the thrill and excitement of being able to bet on matches, games, or sports in general. Even though a simple "abracadabra" will make all your stats skyrocket while you watch other people win lots of money day after day, this game is best played with an online bookmaker. Bookmakers are different than tipsters; they don't just give odds like what the perceived chances of an event happening are.


You can use the solution provided to learn the capabilities and limitations of what is possible in football betting strategies. Furthermore, this strategy shouldn't be taken as a perfect formula. There are different strategies that work sometimes, whether it be winnings or losses.