В начале я хочу извиниться за то, что не перевел - я писал на английском а на перевод времени не было
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Signs from the reality
Chapter 1 – Beginning of the end of the real world.
Year 2099. The company named TBI known as Techno–Biological Innovations was at the end of creating a portal to the other reality.
- Okay, Let’s test it right now. We all know that nobody ever stood in the other dimension. – Said the Administrator of TBI. –As we all know we got enough money to build a spaceship. As we flown with a speed of light, we stopped to refill the fuel tank. One of our astronauts saw a big black hole. He described it as a big black hole with a blue glow in it. TBI astronauts threw a big part of a damaged used fuel tank into the Hole. When it flew right into it there was a big flash of a blue energy and tank instead of collapsing disappeared. Our astronauts carefully took a part of an unusual energy coming from the hole. We discovered it and found that it can teleport anything to some other place. Captain Jones. You are a volunteer of this mission. Your watches will instantly make a portal in the air and when you will stand in it you will get back there. Someone from another dimension will teleport there instead of you when you will be teleported in the other dimension. Good luck. Return as fast as we can. We must conquer the other world before the oxygen on our planet will drop to zero at 2100. We have only 6 months. Good luck.
- Yes, sir. – Said Captain Jones.
- BLOCK ALL EXITS AND ENTRANCES. – Announced the Administration in a microphone. – TELEPORTATION IN 3, 2, 1…
Chapter 2 - It all begins.
It was a sunny Sunday. Nopony had to go on work. Everyone were listening to the beautiful fresh wind caressing their main. Rainbow Dash was busy cleaning the sky from the last cloud. “It is bigger than previous ones” – she thought, moving it far away from the Ponyville. When she moved far enough from the town she said “It was hard to get it there – now don’t come back to the Ponyville, ha-ha!” When she said that she heard a weird noise coming from the cloud and a bright flash appeared. She thought – “It might be some small lighting”. But when Rainbow Dash wanted to fly away she suddenly started coughing and disappeared in a bright flash of a blue energy.
Chapter 3 – No connection.
Captain Jones teleported safely. But he smelled something unusual. Air was so fresh that he wanted to keep breathing it forever!
- Maybe it is a life that doesn’t have any cars or Earth’s technology. – He thought. – If it is a tribe life then we can conquer this world easy. They will obey us in one month! We will be the new gods of this untouched by the technology planet! Our air is so deadly that we will not be able to live on it for 10 more years. But this planet is a new world that will never die! I should report that to TBI!

- A–1–4–G Answer me! – He screamed in the microphone on his belt.
He would never get a single answer from TBI, Inc.

Chapter 4 – First subject.
- Hm. Nobody teleported from another dimension instead of him! Maybe his body was destroyed in the teleportation process? – said Administrator.
Right after his words the whole laboratory staff was kicked on the floor. Something appeared in a bright flash of blue energy. They thought it would be a monster, but it wasn’t a monster or creature with 3 heads.
- A Pegasus? – Screamed Administrator. – Catch it before it will breathe the deadly air with 1% of oxygen in it!
- Sir, we caught it what shall we do with it? – Said lab staff.
- Stop it! I have to go back in Equestria! What will you do with me? – shouted blue pony.
- We will test you, ha-ha! You will tell us everything you know about your dimension. Tell us who is your government and we will let you be free. – said Administrator.
- I will not tell anything about my country! What will you do to me?
- We will let you be free from this lab – you will not be alive for a single minute when you will breathe some Earth air.
“That doesn’t sound good” – thought Rainbow Dash. Things were going as bad as never before. She could lose her life anyway.
Chapter 5 – A Creature with a laser tube.
It was 11 O’ Clock in the evening. Twilight Sparkle was still studying for making portals to other worlds. Spike helped here by bringing the right books. Then Twilight told Spike to go find her a book from the Mayor library. “Be back in a minute!” – said Spike and ran out of the house. He didn’t know that his promise might be never completed…
Spike didn’t come back for an hour so the Twilight was worried of him. She walked out of the house and became to seek for Spike. She saw a bright flash in one of the houses. She saw Applejack in the Pinkie Pie’s house and heard her whispering – “Come in... Hurry!” Twilight proceeded into the Pinkie Pie’s House. “What’s going on here? Why are you all hiding up there like when Zecora appeared in our town?” “We are Hiding from THEM” – said Pinkie Pie quietly and in the little panic. Twilight could see the creature less than 2 meters tall. She never saw a “pony” like this. It had only 2 legs that it could stand on and 2 long arms. It had a head like a melon or a big apple. Twilight saw a long some kind of a big tube thing with electric field at the end of it. He had a little square device with a blue energy field on it.
- It’s a mayor. – said Mayor in the megaphone. – Why did you come here and tell us who are you!
- I will not tell anything you small brained creature! I will rather shoot in you then saying anything. – He pointed his blaster on mayor and pulled a trigger. A bright flash of blue energy shot out of the weapon and a megaphone in Mayor’s arms disappeared. – Now stand back or I will shoot at you!
- Kick him! –Shouted the crowd of angry ponies and ran on the Jones.
- No way, ha-ha! – Laughed Captain Jones and clicked on the blue square shaped device. The portal in the air was made instantly and he stepped in it with an angry smile. Then the portal closed.
Chapter 6 – Light of the world.
- Stop it right now! – Shouted Rainbow Dash to the laboratory staff.
- Not until you will fly with a speed of light! – Laughed Administrator in a psycho voice.
- I can’t do that! – Crying pony.
- No? – Administrator pointed his Blaster on her wings. – Then you will never see your wings like your dimension.
- Okay I will try! - Rainbow Dash screamed in panic.
Rainbow dash remembered how she made a sonic rainboom and flew as fast as she could. One more second and a great sonic explosion knocked laboratory staff on the floor. Nobody knew that sonic rainboom could be a biological weapon. Everyone that weren’t behind the glass started to mutate. They began to disappear in a black flash inside them. They were collapsing.
Rainbow Dash screamed in a panic and flew faster than ever. She couldn’t hear the sound – she flew faster than a sound. Then a greatest explosion in a world came from where pony flew. It had all colors in a whole world. Laboratory staff knew that something bad will happen right after that.
The great explosion knocked them out and the glass broke in a thousand pieces. The machine that was holding Rainbow Dash was about to crash. Administrator was laughing in a crazy voice.
- Now you will never see your dimension, wings and your life! – Administrator laughed like a psycho. – Now die and nobody will make this again! You will be missed maybe – I don’t care but you will be fabulous in the eternal life!
He shot in the Rainbow Dash. The flash of red energy was in 10 meters from blue pony.
In a panic Rainbow Dash flew a lot faster. She didn’t know that she couldn’t survive from the blaster. Suddenly the world started being darker and darker.
Chapter 7 – Time paradox.
Right after Rainbow Dash disappeared in a time, Captain Jones appeared. He was very frightened when he teleported in the office. Everyone was lying on the floor. Blood was on the one of the walls. It looked disgusting.
- What was happening there? – He asked Administrator. – Did the Apocalypse with no oxygen started?
- No. Our test subject teleported in time but when you teleported there someone should teleport in other dimension instead of you. We have no mind where she teleported. – Answered Administrator. – We must start conquering of the other dimension in a week. We have to get our tanks, warheads, soldiers ready! BE ready – this is the last time we live on Earth. We will never see this low oxygen planet again…
Chapter 8 – A time storm.
- This is not happening this is not happening! – cried Rainbow Dash.
She thought that nobody could teleport in time. She did impossible.
When she was trying to fly as fast as she could she could see the paradoxes of the time. She saw a little baby Twilight Sparkle looking in the Nightmare Moon with a Luna standing to the left of her.
- The night will last forever! – Shouted Nightmare Moon.
- No don’t do it! – said Luna.
- Don’t you talk to me like that – disappear from my eyes! – Nightmare Moon screamed and shot magic fire in Luna. And they both disappeared.
Rainbow Dash was about to teleport in time when she saw the most horrific thing in the world. The Equestria was conquered by a two – legged people that she saw in a laboratory. The King was Administrator! When she started to thinking about it she suddenly disappeared in a tunnel of time.
Chapter 9 – The last day on Earth.
- Our Armies are ready, Sir. I meant Administrator. – said Captain Jones.
- Great! Activate the Portal! – Shouted Administrator. – Good bye the Earth! We will never miss you! You should be dead by our Bio gas half a century ago. Now good bye. We will never see you again!
- Great!
Chapter 10 – The beginning of the end of the world.
Twilight Sparkle was in the middle of the street talking to Applejack about her sister’s no – cutie mark life, where out of the sudden Rainbow Dash fell on Applejack’s head.
- What do ya thinking of RD? – Said Applejack.
- You will never believe where I have been to. – Said Rainbow Dash.
Suddenly a loud noise covered Equestria. It was louder then any noise they have ever heard. Then the great flash of blue energy came out from nothing.
Celestia that was talking to her sister Luna suddenly disappeared. So did Luna…
Tanks and armies of two legged creatures walked in the town. Twilight Sparkle was standing in front of the first creatures.
- Hello Creatures of this dimension. Obey us and nobody will be killed on this planet! – Shouted Administrator in the megaphone.
- Holy Celestia, who are you, mutants? – said Applejack in a horror.
- We are your Creators.
- It is impossible! We were born like that! – said Rarity.
- No, my young subject. Over a hundred years ago our government made a project named the “Brain inflator”. It could make any creature cleverer then it was. Our first subject was a dark pony that we named Luna. It was just a little pony that was really scared of us. We put her in the machine and it was a total failure. She started to know very much and she grew her own wings and horn. We thought that we created the mutant, but we created the God. The next subject was a totally white pony that was dark pony’s sister. She wasn’t afraid of us and bravely stood in the machine. But It was the worst test that we ever made. Dark pony’s brain was inflated on 500%. We thought that the white pony will just be the cleverest thing in the world. We activated the machine with options of 1000%. We didn’t know what she could do. After the machine stopped we knew that we changed the world. The Pony was a lot bigger and she could use telekinesis. It was a total win! We created Gods that could live forever! They could control planets in the Solar System moon and the Sun. But they could destroy our world. We made a one use portal to teleport them to somewhere else. Then Nobody ever thought about them. They changed the mind of all of us. We could make Gods! We started creating the underground laboratory because of low oxygen on our planet. We were the only one who survived the nuclear war. Now your planet will be the great place to live on!
- You can’t conquer us like that! – said Applejack and kicked Administrator in a leg. He fell on the ground in a paint of broken leg and shouted - “Shoot her now!”
She suddenly disappeared in a bright flash of blue energy
- What did you do with our friend? – Said Twilight.
- Just teleported her to the real world that has less than a percent of oxygen! Everything will die on the Earth in 1 month. These days will be the last ones that they will live.
- What should we do… - whispered Apple Bloom to her friends.
Chapter 11 – The lost world.
- Luna did you remember this place? – said Celestia to her sister.
- Not really, big sister. What is this place? – Answered Luna.
- It is the place where we were born! I remember how they put me in a big tube machine that made me cleverer. I saw that they put you in a glass box that nobody could destroy. But you had all your powers young and you could destroy it very fast. I don’t know why they made us like that. First time when I raised the Sun was a hundred years ago in this world. In our world it was more than 2000 years! Maybe our times are different from each other!
Suddenly Applejack appeared from the bright flash of blue energy.
Holy Apple, how did I come there?.. Oh, Hello, Princess! – Said Applejack lying on the ground.
- Hello, my dear. We appeared in a bad situation. This world is near its end.
- Oh my gosh, that’s not good. – Said Applejack in a little panic. – How can we get back to our world?
- We should activate the portal. It’s not that hard how I thought. – Said Celestia.
- Someone is here. I can hear his breath. – Whispered Luna.
- Oh sister it’s just a… - Princess Celestia stopped talking for a second and said – You are right. Not a human but someone is here.
She could hear quite roaring from the outside of the laboratory. Someone survived and could breathe 0.5% oxygen filled air. She saw him standing in front of the door that led to the surface.
- Let’s hurry! – said Luna and used her magic to activate a portal for 3 uses.
Luna first jumped in the portal and disappeared in a bright flash.
- You go next – said Celestia.
- After you, your majesty. – said Applejack.
- Please be hurry right after I will teleport.
She jumped in a portal and disappeared too. Right after that Applejack was ready to jump but the door in laboratory got slammed off and a creature she had never saw appeared. It had 2 legs, a head with a helmet and acid was poring from his arms.
- You ruined my life and you will pay for what you have done! – Creature started whispering in a great panic and rage. – I am the Government. You will pay for all of this oxygen! – He threw a part of scientific computer in the Portal.
- Noooooooooooo! – screamed Applejack because computer used to smash AJ landed in the Portal and destroyed it. – Now I have no way of surviving - She said and took a look on the Creature.
“Government” ran toward AJ and suddenly pony heard a weird noise and lights disappeared. Creature smashed in a wall and fell down. Applejack left the reality.
Chapter 12 – Conquerors
Everypony came to the hospital to think of a war.
- They have got guns!
- We have magic abilities!
- They said something about nuclear warheads.
- It is the end!
Right after that a great explosion knocked everypony on the ground.
- We shouldn’t move out of there. We will fight even if we will not win! Nobody can take Ponyville like that! Everypony! Build guns, build towers! We will not be defeated!
Chapter 13 – New God.
- I can’t believe it! – Said Administrator to Captain Jones. – We teleported there for a real oxygen. And now we are starting to mutate! Our soldiers start to cough when they are on this air. You, fool didn’t even bother your hands to see contain of this air!
- I tried but I couldn’t. All my connection systems were offline. – answered Captain Jones.
- Our scientists said that our Earth subjects were very ill. This air hasn’t got a lot of oxygen only. Some unusual bacteria are there.
- Sir, we breathed a lot of this oxygen. Maybe we are already infected. What are you going to do?
- You remember the machine that was inflating brain’s IQ?
- Yes, sir. Why do you need it again? We have no need in creating new prototype…
- I will be the next prototype. As Celestia and Luna in the other dimension these creatures need a new God. I will be the new god of this world. I will live forever! And mutations will not infect me.
- Okay, sir. It is your wish, your Majesty.
In an hour every machine was working. Many of energy-filled tubes were connected to the IQ inflating machine. Administrator was in the middle of it. Activate the machine! – Shouted Administrator.
- Be careful, what you wish for, Administrator. – Said professor and started to pull the lever. - We will do 1000% for you.
- No! Make me the smartest! Make me 10000% smarter! – Shouted Administrator.
- It is very dangerous, sir. You will mutate and there is 20% of being normal after that!
- If you don’t want to do it, I will blow this planet up by pushing the button. It shoots all nuclear warheads.
- Okay, okay, sir, no worries.
Professor pulled lever to 4500% when Administrator screamed. His head was a bit bigger then earlier, but his veins were growing, and body started to mutate.
- Aaaaaargh! – He screamed through the window shield.
- Shall I stop it?
- No, continue the process. We can’t stop the mutating as well as the IQ inflating! – Screamed Administrator in a pain.
Professor pulled the lever on 9990% when he heard roaring from the machine. He didn’t stop the machine and when the lever reached 10000% the machine exploded…
- I… feel… like I am… the other… person… - said Administrator coughing in a pain.
Professor was lying on the floor. He was very sick and he felt pain too. Administrator walked to the mirror and watched himself in a horror. Machine transformed him into a monster. His muscles were very big and he talked in a weird voice. He knew that he had abilities that no one had. He tried his powers by teleporting a mutating soldier. He did it. HE had powers that none had.
Chapter 14 – Preparing for war
Twilight Sparkle was a general, who told ponies how to make weapons and cannons. Applejack made a bunker under her farm, in case if they wouldn’t defeat Administrator with his army. Rarity made special suits for pony armies. Spike was telling princess Celestia to come in Ponyville, but she said that she will go from behind Administrator armies. She knew that it will not be a hard fight. She filled it.

- Prepare our armies for the battle! – Administrator shouted in a megaphone.
- Sir, we don’t have all people in our armies. 70% of our people are mutating. We can’t reverse the process.
- Then send 30% to the battle! With my powers nobody can defeat me!
- Okay, sir. But they might have their own weapons…
Princess Celestia and Luna teleported in Ponyville right in the middle of tower building. Everyone was cheering princess of Sun for coming that early. Ponies told everything about Administrator, his machine and incoming war. They were telling Celestia to test her powers to raise the sun for more days, because ponies couldn’t work during the night. They also told that they have built the towers. They need some help with weapons. They needed magic that only several ponies had. Princess Celestia said that she will handle this situation.
- I promise you that battle will not be as hard as we think. I saw many of his men are mutating for no reason. Maybe it is our air, maybe it’s something else.
Chapter 15 – Revolution
Everypony saw tanks coming from Evergreen forest. But when they were ten miles away most of them became to stop. In front of the last four tanks was walking a giant mutant that nopony ever saw. He roared “Fire!” right after that one of the tanks fired. They saw three tanks were destroyed. They couldn’t resist the air. Last tank’s missile was destroyed by the cannon that AJ built in the last day of preparation.
- Noooo! You will pay for what you have done! I’ll crash you like the pests you are! – He shouted in a panic and ran toward buildings. He destroyed them in a single touch.
- Please help us Celestia! – Cried Rarity.
- I will try. Luna, help me handle him. – Princess Celestia said to her sister.
Together they both made a great energy stream that knocked Administrator of TBI on the ground so he couldn’t stand up.
- No my Prototypes! You can’t do such thing to me! Join me, and together we will rule this world as a subject and reactor.
- You are lying.
- No I don’t. If you will not accept then maybe you are right in one thing.
- Yes, I am sure that I don’t need your help in my world.
- That’s why you are a failure! You will not save your creatures now. – Administrator pushed a button and a hundred of warheads were pushed in the air. – If I will die, then not from my prototypes’ hands!
- You made a big mistake, creator. – Celestia said and blue energy started to fly around her horn. – You better get back from where you came from. – And she used her powers to move him to the real world.
Suddenly Luna remembered about warheads and told Celestia about them. Princess used her powers to control all of them but she couldn’t. She used enough of her powers to teleport Administrator of TBI.
- Stand back! – Luna said to her sister. She could stop warheads because she didn’t use her powers to teleport Administrator. She fired her magic on warheads, but even she couldn’t take them under control.
Explosion was as powerful as hundred of sonic rainbooms! Luna and Celestia used their powers to stop the explosion, but they couldn’t. The only hope left was making a barrier that could save ponies hiding in the towers. The explosion was in a hundred kilometers when the flash appeared. It became bigger and bigger! When the barrier touched the ground everything suddenly became dark.
Chapter 16 – The humanity of one
When Administrator fell on the ground he saw a world that he never imagined to see. World shut down. He couldn’t even think that this thing could happen to the Earth. Only ruins left. He saw something moving. No, it’s only the wind. But hehear that someone is standing her him and breathing hardly.
- You ruined this world. You will die like him! – Government pointed at the mountain. Soldier was on the top of it. His body was mutating and skeleton began to collapse.
- I didn’t do anything wrong! I wanted to find a new world because of you! You created the gas and you will pay for it!
The battle of titans began.
Chapter 17 – Reconstruction
After 5 years of reconstruction Ponyville was alive again. Scientists were exploring last warhead that didn’t explode. They created the bomb and tried it in the Everfree forest.
Machine was destroyed by the explosion, but the last part of energy was still shining in the machine. Now in the most books of Canterlot ponies new that this energy made the new race – race of ponies that will never stop their evolution.
Everypony thought that the first little war that they fought in was finished. Celestia though that the end of the world is now finished. But nobody knew that it wasn’t the end. This was just a beginning of the end…

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ϟCaptain Dashϟ