Не то, что бы фрагменты, не знаю куда складировать подобную информацию, но оставлю тут.
Источник. (ОЧЕНЬ сомневаюсь в правдивости данной инфы, но хочется надеяться)
Жутко лень было переводить, так что берите как есть :)
anonumos писал(а):- The Hub is going to air season two in 1080p instead of 1080i for improved sharpness. // [Надеюсь, что это правда]
- iTunes is going to fix their color issues and release the new episodes, and the old ones, in 1080p. // [Надеюсь, что это правда]
- The team's computers were updated to 64-bit processors for higher precision, making the friendship even magicker. // [Надеюсь, что это правда]
- The Cutie Mark Crusaders will get their cutie marks on episode three, thus ending their saga.
- There will be an episode with nothing but Pinkie Pie staring at the audience.
- Season two's scripts were written on gold-leaf paper with diamond-tipped fountain pens.
- Season two is animated by the ghost of Milt Khal , entirely on ones.
- Season two will bring world peace and end hunger.
- Watching even a single second of season two cures cancer.
- There is a special guest appearance by Will Smith who plays "The Fresh Prince of Billet".