Сообщения от Tammy в теме Оцени это

Четвёртый сезон пока по ощущениям примерно так.
Princess Twilight Sparkle - 5\10
Castle Mane-ia - 5\10
Daring Don’t - 8\10
Flight to the Finish - 9\10
Power Ponies - 6,5\10
Bats! - 5\10
Rarity Takes Manehattan - 9\10
Pinkie Apple Pie - 8\10
Rainbow Falls - 8,5\10
Three’s A Crowd - 5\10
Pinkie Pride - 3\10
Simple Ways - 5\10
Filli Vanilli - 5\10
Twilight Time - 5,5\10
It Ain’t Easy Being Breezies - 5\10
Somepony to Watch Over M - 7\10
Maud Pie - 7\10
For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils - 6\10
Leap of Faith - 5\10
Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3 - 10\10
Trade Ya - 10\10
Inspiration Manifestation - 8\10
Equestria Games - 5,5\10
Twilight’s Kingdom - 6\10
The Cutie Map - 8\10
Castle Sweet Castle - 5\10
Bloom and Gloom - 6\10
Tanks For The Memories - 8\10
Appleoosa’s Most Wanted - 2\10...
Make New Friends But Keep Discord - 7,5\10
The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone - 9\10
Slice Of Life - 8,5\10
Princess Spike - 4\10
Party Pooped - 5\10
Amending Fences - 7,5\10
Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep? - 8\10
Canterlot Boutique -7,5\10