Нашел на fanfiction.net фанфик, где автор отвечает на письмо от лица пони, которой оно отправлено. Лично я отправил туда письма Рарити и Пинки Пай ( первое - на убогом английском, признаю) и получил ответы!

Уделите автору внимание, если у вас есть там аккаунт.

Письмо Рарити:
Dear miss Rarity,

Forgive me for my spelling (English not my native language). I was wondering, how can you be so amazingly stylish and beautiful all the time? Even when Trixie turned your hair green, you was still pretty, I assure you! Also, how are your store - I get that you own some fashion shop? And last, but not least - do you have boyfriend?

best regards

anonymous admirer

To my anonymous admirer,
I must say darling, that your Equestrian is rather rough, but I suppose that could be because of the translation between English and Equestrian. Though if one were to attempt to write in your native language and then translate to Equestrian, I believe that the translation would perhaps be smoother. But enough about that, you have written me a letter, and I really must say I am flattered that you have turned your attentions to me.

It is not easy to be stylish and beautiful all the time, but with proper care and maintenance it is possible. First, it is vital to have a healthy diet and sleep schedule. Which I must admit is difficult when running my Carousal Boutique, but I do my best. Also, it is good to spend time with friends and enjoying the sun within moderation of course. A nice day at the spa with Fluttershy always seems to brighten up even the most dreary of weeks.

I was still pretty? Oh my dear, you do flatter me too much by saying that. I saw myself in the mirror after all, and the style and color were simply dreadful against my white coat. However, I thank you for your compliment.

My store is doing fabulously! Recently I have been featured in several magazines, and my designs have been worn by several high society celebrities, such as Sapphire Shores. My friends are even wearing gowns I made for them to the Grand Galloping Gala. Oh my, I am so excited, I cannot wait for that night, it is going to be fabulous!

I do not currently have a boyfriend, however I am hoping to gain the favor of Princess Celestia's nephew at the Gala, and that he will court me. If all goes according to plan, I shall become his bride, and we shall live happily ever after.

Best regards,

P.S. I hope Spike got this letter to you properly, he was rather busy. But a couple spare gems I had laying about convinced him. - R.

Письмо Пинки Пай
Dear Pinkie Pie

Honestly, I've been wanting to write to you. First, I should note that of all the ponies youthe most cheerful and charming. Even when I'm sad, one look at your pink mane, and a bright smile - and the sadness goes away. Secondly, I must say that I admire your capacity for work! Partying - hard work, which includes cooking, invitations,entertainment and preparing - and you're partying almost every day! It is simply amazing! Third - I think you're just a wonderful friend. It is a pity that despite your best efforts,Twilight blabbed that Spike has a crush on Rarity - she may lose his friendship...

And a small question - about cupcakes. There were strange rumors about the recipe,which includes parts of other ponies. Is this true? (written here in more detail - http:/ (тут была ссылка на фанфик "кексики")

with best wishes

secret admirer (I also love cupcakes!)

Oh wowie zowie! I got a letter, I got a letter! Wonder who it's from!

Oh my gosh, I was totally like GAAAAASP when I found your letter waiting by my bed when I got up this morning. Not as big of a gasp as when Twilight came to Ponyville that first day, but I mean come on! How could you top that? I try to bring happiness and fun everywhere I go! I mean what's the point of being all down and gloomy? Can you say boooooooring? That's why I love throwing parties, they make most any pony feel loads better. But each pony is different, and that's why I keep track of them in my big book of parties!

I guess it might be hard work, but I do it so often that it's more of a game to me than anything like work! It's like a pre-party-party that helps me get everything juuuuuuuuust right! There's even cupcakes!

Oh, I don't think that Spike will lose friendship with Twilight, because he's such a sweet guy under the gruff shell he tries to put up. But I did try my best! And really I think i might have made it worse for Twilight during the whole thing. She was so worried about our friends, and trying to make them both happy without revealing their secrets, I felt horrible making her worry more. Maybe I should throw a forgive me party for her...

Cupcakes? Oh they are delicious, wonderful and totally yummy! You can never have too many cupcakes. Parts of other ponies in cupcakes? Ewwww! No! Cupcakes are happy little bits of goodness, not creepy ickiness like that. I can't see more detail in that weird blue ink thingy you put in. But that's okay! I don't think I wanna see any more to begin with.

Have a good cupcake and keep smiling! I have parties to go make!


Ссылка на фанфик: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6885133/1/

Почта (пишем на английском) - letterpony@gmail.com
Кстати, судя по аватарке, ты тоже поклонница Великой и Могучей Трикси?
Похоже что да. Ну - я точно. (если ты про Трикси. Если про автора- она мне тоже нравится. Хорошо пишет.)
Я могу перевести то, что ответили мне - т.е. письмо Пинки, Рарити и (когда ответят) Трикси.

Если кто-то будет переводить письма Луне, например - то я переведу вышесказанное и отправлю ЛСкой на фанфикшене.