Сообщения от TeTr0 в теме Поиграем в песни?

это судьба

I do not feel
No jealousy
If I would lose you now
I'd simply say: "It's destiny!"

Что-то не так?
вмогиле все там будем:3

In your grave you can't see there's a daylight
In your grave you can't see there's a hard fight
In your grave you can't see what's going on there
In your grave you can't see we're going nowhere
In your grave everything's gonna be fine
In your grave paradise's of a soil mine
In your grave you don't need to make your mind up
In your grave there's no need to make a wind-up

кто нас обокрал?
Tu amor revolucionario
Te conduce a nueva empresa
Donde espera la firmeza
De tu brazo libertario

Aqui se queda la clara,
la entrañable transparencia
de tu querida presencia
Comandante Che Guevara.

Существует ли объективная реальность?
даю установку на сон :3

six - close your eyes
five - control your breath
four - you feel the warmth
three - relax your mind
two - do you feel safe
one - now you are here

Сколько вешать в граммах?
God is hiding, God is hiding,
God is hiding under my bed

... you might have thought that he was dead
But God is hiding under my bed...

One day the sun will stop being red
God is hiding under my bed
... do YOU wanna hide instead?

Как пережить зиму?
Burn the bridge
Stall the machine
Cut those ties
Come kiss that guillotine

Blow your mind
Break the routine
Leave everything behind
Come taste the gasoline

сколько тупых людей вы повстречали сегодня?

The road I walk is paved in gold,
To glorify my platinum soul.
I'll buy my way to talk to god
So he can live with what I'm not

The selfish blood runs through my veins
I gave up everything for fame
I am the lie that you adore
I feed the rich, and fuck the poor

I got, you want.
It's just don't stop.
This is entertainment.
Lies are entertainment.
You are down on your knees,
begging me for more.

что это за жизнь такая?

I've come to realise
WITH Every little glimpse, you fade
I was told that I could fly
When least expected,
Cloud Connected

в чём соль?

Nightmare in a damaged brain

Кто говорит на всех языках?
сравнение Вавилонской башни с Судным днём показалось уместным
обоссыте но не бейте


Где, когда, какой великий выбирал путь, чтобы протоптанней и легше? (© Маяковский)
Funker Vogt – Cold War


как перестать беспокоиться и полюбить бомбу?
ищите друг-друга в этой непроглядной тьме
:Wumpscut: – Is It You

Here In The Dark
Is No Light At All
No Orientation No Shadows Fall
Here In The Dark
I Reach Out For You
Sensing Fear Have I Lost You

excusati, Kuromi
А вы верите в российский автопром?